IVF: A Path to Parenthood


When you’ve been trying to get pregnant without any luck, IVF can help you achieve your dream of becoming parents. However, this medical procedure can be costly and complicated, and if it doesn’t work, it can take its toll on your emotional well-being and relationship with your partner. While IVF doesn’t guarantee a successful pregnancy the first time around, it will let you know whether or not you have fertility issues that need to be addressed so that you can move forward with confidence in achieving your goal of starting a family of your own through the most effective means possible.

What is IVF?

IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a type of fertility treatment that allows people with a low number of healthy eggs to get pregnant. IVF involves removing an egg from the ovaries and combining it with sperm in a laboratory dish. If the egg is successfully fertilized, it will continue dividing and growing in the lab until it reaches the blastocyst stage, which can take about 5 days. The best embryos are selected for implantation through a process called embryo transfer. The rest of the embryos are frozen for future use.

Things You Should Know

-If you are considering IVF, here are some things you should know before starting the process.
-The process is expensive and can be emotionally taxing.
-However, for many people it is an option worth exploring and the best fertility doctors in Nairobi can help you through the process
-There are different types of IVF, and the type that's best for you will depend on your age and medical history.
-To get pregnant with IVF, a woman needs to take hormonal medications which suppress her natural cycle.
-After three or four weeks of taking these medications, eggs are removed from her ovaries and fertilized in a lab dish with sperm from either the man she wishes to have father the child or a donor.
-Eggs are transferred back into her uterus one at a time until all of them have been placed there or until she reaches an agreed upon limit.

The Basics of IVF Treatment

While it is possible for women of all ages to consider IVF, most doctors won't do IVF treatment on women over 40 years old due to the increased risk of complications like twins. But if you want to give it a try, your doctor will first assess your health condition and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. You may need medication to stimulate the ovaries and make them produce more eggs. If you don’t have any eggs left, or your partner has fertility problems, a donor egg may be used instead.

The Day of the Embryo Transfer

The embryologist will prepare the embryos for transfer by placing them in a catheter. Once that is done, he or she will insert the catheter through a small opening in cervix and into uterus. If all goes well, we'll hopefully hear the two heartbeats. If you are interested to approach IVF treatments in Kenya, it is very affordable as well as safe.

After the Embryo Transfer

There is a chance that the embryos will implant successfully, and you may get pregnant. But if they don't, you will need to try again. This can be done with another round of IVF or by using a different type of assisted reproductive technology such as artificial insemination. Either way, the process starts all over again with an Embryo Transfer Procedure.
-It's important to plan your treatments around your menstrual cycle so you know when ovulation occurs.
-Hormones are injected into your body to stimulate follicles in order for eggs to develop. Once these eggs have matured enough, they are retrieved from the ovaries and fertilized by sperm cells in a laboratory setting.


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